GK Group organization officially started operating in 2013, with 13 years successful experiences in the field of importing luxury household goods. From the commencements of activities, this group has obliged itself to supply high quality products. And now, after nearly 20 years, benefiting from the valuable experiences of skilful managers, utilizing new ideas of international designers as well as reputable interior design and decoration companies, has achieved the largest proportion of the luxury household goods market in Iran.

AbOut us Gk grOup Our Esteemed Subsidiaries :

GK Group organization officially started operating in 2013, with 13 years successful experiences in the field of importing luxury household goods. From the commencements of activities, this group has obliged itself to supply high quality products. And now, after nearly 20 years, benefiting from the valuable experiences of skilful managers, utilizing new ideas of international designers as well as reputable interior design and decoration companies, has achieved the largest proportion of the luxury household goods market in Iran.

About us Gk group Our Esteemed Subsidiaries